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Items where Division is "Кафедра вищої та прикладної математики" and Year is 2017

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Number of items: 36.


Bunyakova, Yu. Ya. and Glushkov, A. V. and Khetselius, O. Yu. and Ignatenko, A. V. and Bukowszczenko, N. and Buyadzhi, V. V. (2017) New approach and microsystem technology of advanced analysis and forecasting the air pollutant concentration temporal dynamics in atmosphere of the industrial cities. Сенсорна електроніка і мікросистемні технології, 14 (3). pp. 65-78. ISSN 1815-7459

Bunyakova, Yu. Ya. and Ternovsky, V. B. and Dubrovskaya, Yu. V. and Ignatenko, A. V. and Svinarenko, A. A. and Vitavetskaya, L. A. (2017) Analysis of the Beryllium-7 activity concentration dynamics in the atmospheric environment time series after the fukushima daiichi nuclear power plants emergency. Sensor Electr. and Microsyst. Techn., 14 (4). pp. 73-82. ISSN 0235-2435

Buyadzhi, V. V. and Chernyakova, Yu. G. and Antoshkina, O. A. and Tkach, T. B. (2017) Spectroscopy of multicharged ions in plasmas: oscillator strengths of Be-like ion Fe. Photoelectronics, 26. pp. 94-102. ISSN 0235-2435

Buyadzhi, V. V. and Glushkov, A. V. and Khetselius, O. Yu. and Bunyakova, Yu. Ya. and Florko, T. A. and Agayar, E. V. and Solyanikova, E. P. (2017) An effective chaos-geometric computational approach to analysis and prediction of evolutionary dynamics of the environmental systems: Atmospheric pollution dynamics. Journal of Physics: Conf. Series, 905 (012036). pp. 1-6. ISSN doi :10.1088/1742-6596/905/1/012036

Buyadzhi, V. V. and Zaichko, P. A. and Gurskaya, M. Y. and Kuznetsova, A. A. and Ponomarenko, E. L. and Ternovsky, V. B. (2017) Relativistic theory of excitation and ionization of Rydberg atomic systems in a Black-body radiation field. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 810 (012047). pp. 1-3. ISSN 1742-6588

Buyadzhi, V. V. and Glushkov, A. V. and Khetselius, O. Yu. and Ternovsky, V. B. and Serga, I. N. and Bukowszczenko, N. (2017) An advanced analysis and modelling the air pollutant concentration temporal dynamics in atmosphere of the industrial cities: Odessa city. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 92 (012006). pp. 1-5. ISSN 1755-1315

Buyadzhi, V. V. and Zaichko, P. A. and Antoshkina, O. A. and Kulakli, T. A. and Prepelitsa, G. P. and Ternovsky, V. B. and Mansarliysky, V. F. (2017) Computing of radiation parameters for atoms and multicharged ions within relativistic energy approach: Advanced Code. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 905 (012003). pp. 1-7. ISSN 1742-6588

Buyadzhi, V. V. and Glushkov, A. V. and Khetselius, O. Yu. and Kuznetsova, A. A. and Buyadzhi, A. A. and Prepelitsa, G. P. and Ternovsky, V. B. (2017) Nonlinear dynamics of laser systems with elements of a chaos: Advanced computational code. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 905 (012007). pp. 1-7. ISSN 1742-6588

Buyadzhi, V. V. and Glushkov, A. V. and Gurskaya, M. Y. and Khetselius, O. Yu. and Ternovsky, E. V. and Mashkantsev, A. A. and Kirianov, S. V. (2017) A novel combined chaos-geometric and vibration blind source monitoring approach to damage analysis and detection of engineering structures (nuclear power plants) under varying environmental, operational conditions and emergency accidents. Сенсорна електроніка і мікросистемні технології, 14 (4). pp. 60-72. ISSN 1815-7459

Buyadzhi, V. V. and Ternovsky, E. V. and Chernyakova, Yu. G. and Tkach, T. B. and Buyadzhi, A. A. and Zaichko, P. A. (2017) Advanced computational approach in electron-collisional spectroscopy of atoms and multicharged ions in plasmas. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1136 (012011). pp. 1-7. ISSN 1742-6588

Buyadzhi, V. V. and Ternovsky, V. B. and Glushkov, A. V. and Khetselius, O. Yu. and Svinarenko, A. A. and Bakunina, E. V. (2017) Damage analysis and detection under varying environmental and operational conditions using a chaos theory methods. ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS, 2 (3). pp. 165-170. ISSN 2414-5955


Glushkov, A. V. and Bunyakova, Yu. Ya. and Buyadzhi, V. V. and Dubrovskaya, Yu. V. and Kuznetsova, A. A. and Khetselius, O. Yu. (2017) New approach and microsystem technology of advanced non-linear analysis and modelling chaotic environmental radioactivity dynamics. Сенсорна електроніка і мікросистемні технології, 14 (3). pp. 24-37. ISSN 1815-7459

Glushkov, A. V. and Velykodniy, S. S. and Buyadzhi, V. V. (2017) Methodical instructions for laboratory work on discipline "Mathematical Methods of Operations Research" for the 3rd year students of the full-time education. Odessa State Environmental University, Odessa State Environmental University. (Unpublished)

Glushkov, A. V. and Velykodniy, S. S. and Buyadzhi, V. V. (2017) Methodical instructions for self-sufficient work of students and laboratory work on discipline "Mathematical Methods of Operations Research" for the 3rd year students of the extramural studies and distance learning. Odessa State Environmental University, Odessa State Environmental University. (Unpublished)

Glushkov, A. V. and Bunyakova, Yu. Ya. and Buyadzhi, V. V. and Dubrovskaya, Yu. V. and Kuznetsova, A. A. and Khetselius, O. Yu. (2017) New approach and microsystem technology of advanced non-linear analysis and modeling chaotic environmental radioactivity dynamics. Sensor Electr. and Microsyst. Techn., 14 (3). pp. 24-37. ISSN 0235-2435

Glushkov, A. V. and Gurskaya, M. Y. and Ignatenko, A. V. and Smirnov, A. V. and Serga, I. N. and Svinarenko, A. A. and Ternovsky, E. V. (2017) Computational code in atomic and nuclear quantum optics: Advanced computing multiphoton resonance parameters for atoms in a strong laser field. Journal of Physics: Conf. Series, 905 (905). pp. 1-8. ISSN doi :10.1088/1742-6596/905/1/012036

Glushkov, A. V. and Khetselius, O. Yu. and Buyadzhi, V. V. and Dubrovskaya, Yu. V. and Serga, I. N. and Agayar, E. V. and Ternovsky, V. B. (2017) Nonlinear chaos-dynamical approach to analysis of atmospheric radon 222Rn concentration time series. Indian Academy of Sciences Conference Series, 1 (1). pp. 61-66.

Glushkov, A. V. and Khetselius, O. Yu. and Agayar, E. V. and Buyadzhi, V. V. and Romanova, A. V. and Mansarliysky, V. F. (2017) Modelling dynamics of atmosphere ventilation and industrial city’s air pollution analysis: New approach. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 905 (012014). pp. 1-5. ISSN 1742-6588

Glushkov, A. V. and Mansarliysky, V. F. and Khetselius, O. Yu. and Ignatenko, A. V. and Smirnov, A. V. and Prepelitsa, G. P. (2017) Collisional shift of hyperfine line for thallium in an atmosphere of the buffer inert gases. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 810 (012034). pp. 1-3. ISSN 1742-6588

Glushkov, A. V. and Khetselius, O. Yu. and Buyadzhi, V. V. (2017) Higher mathematics Part І. Kharkiv, Odessa State Environmental University. ISBN 978-617-7541-15-7

Glushkov, A. V. and Khetselius, O. Yu. and Safranov, T. A. and Buyadzhi, V. V. and Ignatenko, A. V. and Svinarenko, A. A. (2017) Modeling evolutionary dynamics of complex ecosystems using combined chaos theory and neural networks methods: I. Formal theoretical basis for application to environmental radioactivity dynamics. ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS, 2 (3). pp. 157-164. ISSN 2414-5955

Glushkov, A. V. and Romanova, A. V. and Buyadzhi, V. V. and Bakunina, E. V. and Khetselius, O. Yu. and Svinarenko, A. A. and Belodonov, A. S. (2017) New balance approach to the modeling of macroturbulent atmospheric dynamics, spatial distribution of radionuclides in the global atmosphere, their environment impact after the nuclear accident at Fukushima nuclear power plant. Сенсорна електроніка і мікросистемні технології, 14 (4). pp. 47-59. ISSN 1815-7459


Khetselius, O. Yu. and Glushkov, A. V. and Bunyakova, Yu. Ya. and Buyadzhi, V. V. and Bondar, O. I. and Vaschenko, V. N. and Bykowschenko, N. (2017) New approach and microsystem technology to modelling dynamics of atmosphere ventilation of industrial city and elements of the “Green-city” construction technology. Сенсорна електроніка і мікросистемні технології, 14 (4). pp. 37-46. ISSN 1815-7459

Khetselius, O. Yu. and Glushkov, A. V. and Safranov, T. A. and Buyadzhi, V. V. and Bunyakova, Yu. Ya. and Romanova, A. V. (2017) Studying an air ventilation and pollution in an atmosphere of industrial city: elements of new modeling approach and green-city technology. ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS, 2 (3). pp. 151-156. ISSN 2414-5955

Khetselius, O. Yu. and Zaichko, P. A. and Smirnov, A. V. and Buyadzhi, V. V. and Ternovsky, V. B. and Florko, T. A. and Mansarliysky, V. F. (2017) Relativistic Many-Body Perturbation Theory Calculations of the Hyperfine Structure and Oscillator Strength Parameters for Some Heavy Element Atoms and Ions. In: Quantum Systems in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. Advances in Concepts and Applications . Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 271-281. ISBN 978-3-319-50254-0

Khetselius, O. Yu. and Glushkov, A. V. and Gurskaya, M. Y. and Kuznetsova, A. A. and Dubrovskaya, Yu. V. and Serga, I. N. and Vitavetskaya, L. A. (2017) Computational modelling parity nonconservation and electroweak interaction effects in heavy atomic systems within the nuclear-relativistic many-body perturbation theory. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 905 (012029). pp. 1-7. ISSN 1742-6588


Serga, I. N. and Khetselius, O. Yu. and Vitavetskaya, L. A. and Bystryantseva, A. N. (2017) Relativistic theory of spectra of pionic atomic systems 208Pb with account of strong pion-nuclear interaction effects. Photoelectronics, 26 (26). pp. 68-77. ISSN 0235-2435

Serga, I. N. and Khetselius, O. Yu. and Vitavetskaya, L. A. and Bystryantseva, A. N. (2017) Relativistic theory of spectra of pionic atomic systems 208Pb with account of strong pion-nuclear interaction effects. Photoelectronics, 26. pp. 68-77. ISSN 0235-2435

Smirnov, A. V. and Khetselius, O. Yu. and Buyadzhi, V. V. and Belodonov, A. S. (2017) Advanced relativistic approach in spectroscopy of complex autoionization resonances in atomic spectra. Photoelectronics, 26. pp. 114-123. ISSN 0235-2435


Tkach, T. B. and Florko, T. A. and Ternovsky, E. V. and Antoshkina, O. A. (2017) Relativistic calculation of oscillator strengths of the radiation transitions between barium Rydberg states. Photoelectronics, 26. pp. 139-147. ISSN 0235-2435

Ternovsky, V. B. and Glushkov, A. V. and Smirnov, A. V. and Kuznetsova, A. A. and Khetselius, O. Yu. and Buyadzhi, V. V. (2017) An advanced laser photoionization separation scheme for radioactive isotopes and products of atomic energetics: uranium and the transuranium elements. Сенсорна електроніка і мікросистемні технології, 14 (4). pp. 83-93. ISSN 1815-7459


Глушков, О. В. and Хецеліус, О. Ю. and Флорко, Т. О. and Башкарьов, П. Г. (2017) Методичні вказівки для самостійної роботи студентів III курсу (інтегровані) заочно-дистанційної форми навчання з вивчення частини дисципліни «Вища математика» та виконання контрольної роботи (частина 1). Напрями підготовки: комп’ютерні науки та інформаційні технології. Одеський Державний Екологічний Університет, Одеський Державний Екологічний Університет. (Unpublished)

Глушков, О. В. and Свинаренко, А. А. and Серга, І. М. and Вітавецька, Л. А. (2017) Методичні вказівки до самостійного вивчення та виконання контрольноїроботиз дисципліни“Обчислювальніметодидинамікисуцільних середовищ” для студентів III, IVкурсів (у тому числі підготовки за інтегрованим планом) заочноїформи навчання Напрям підготовки –"Гідрометеорологія". Одеський Державний Екологічний Університет, Одеський Державний Екологічний Університет. (Unpublished)

Глушков, О. В. and Буяджи, В. В. and Флорко, Т. О. and Серга, І. М. (2017) Вища математика/Конспект лекцій. Одеський Державний Екологічний Університет, Одеський Державний Екологічний Університет. (Unpublished)


Серга, Э. Н. and Серга, И. Н. (2017) Особенности распределения однородных зон в полях гидрометеорологических характеристик над северной атлантикой в холодный период года. Географический вестник, 3(42) (3(42)). pp. 77-87. ISSN 2079-7877

Серга, Э. Н. and Серга, И. Н. (2017) Зоны интенсивных взаимодействий в приповерхностном слое атмосферы в Cеверной Атлантике. Ноябрь. Вісник Одеського державного екологічного університету, 22. pp. 30-38.

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